

  • The questions in Web3

    My complete Linkedin is full of the word web3, I am seeing more and more startups coming in this area every day. Like other technical buzzwords, the docs on web3 are still very vague and are just full of what they are building but the why part is not clearly depicted. In this blog I am listing down all the questions I am having right now and in the next blogs I will be finding the answer for each question.

  • The tech architecture of Indian Health Id

    On Sept 27, PM launched the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, which would facilitate the management of the patient’s health data using a unique health Id. This mission has the potential of bringing a revolutionary change in the health care infrastructure in India. In this blog, I will walk you through a brief overview of the Tech architecture.

  • Understanding the Kubernetes for beginner

    Kubernetes in one of the important tech Buzzword in the market. All the documents out are explaining the features and advantages of it but for a new developer it is quite difficult to relate to it. This blog covers why do we need kubernetes.

  • The various garbage collection strategies

    We recently came across an issue where our services were restarting multiple times due to max CPU usage. It took us some time to figure out the root cause, but by changing the GC strategy we were able to reduce the frequency of the outage. In this blog I present to you the various garbage collection strategies.

  • How to take thread dumps for a java service running in k8s

    Recently I came across this interesting problem, where I wanted to take a thread dump of a java service. Our service was restarting multiple times because of which were were not able to download the thread dump at the time of CPU outage. This blogs covered how we were finally able to get the thread dump.

  • A short guide on java polymorphic deserialization

    Jackson is the java library to perform serialization and deserialization. So whenever we want to convert a JSON to Java object (deserialization) or whenever we want to convert a Java Object to JSON, we can use the jackson library.

  • Difference between Merge and Rebase

    In my initial days of git, I was a lot confused about merge and rebase. Though both works, it was not much clear which one to use. This post dives into the basic difference between the two.

  • The ESR Rule for creating the mongo indexes

    In my present company, we place a lot of emphasis on optimizing the database queries. We create and review indexes for every each and every query. In this blog I present what are the best practices we follow.

  • Why do we need docker ?

    There are a lot of blogs on what and how of docker but there are quite few blogs on why to use docker. As a beginner I struggled with why exactly we want to use it. In this blog I will be answering this question.

  • Managing enums with custom values

    Did you came across a use case where you wanted to add a custom value for a enum ? This blog covers how we can use custom values in our enums.

  • A Beginners guide to LDAP

    The name Lightweight Directory Access Protocol doesn’t directly give even us idea about what this tech is and what it is used for. The first time I was reading it, I was confused because of the jargon words used in the blogs. In this blog I tried explaining the ldap concepts, hope you enjoy it!!

  • Aggregating data by days or hours in MongoDB

    I came across a very interesting problem of aggregating our data stored in mongodb by day. Though at the first look it seems like a very easy problem, but taking care of the time zones in the aggregation pipeline makes it a little interesting. In this blog I will walk you through how we can solve this problem and the various challenges involved in the path.

  • Why is it called relational database?

    When we refer to a database as relational, what relation are we talking about ? What is its domain and Range ?

  • Field Injection vs Constructor Injector

    If we use Guice for managing the dependency injection, then you can either use Field Injection or Dependency Injection. Out of the two which way we should prefer?

  • The benefits of using a graphql api

    After working on REST APIs for some years, I shifted to the graphql APIs. Though there were some conceptual difference, both the APIs conventions are quite similar. In this blog I would walk you through how graphql apis differs from the REST APIs.