If we use Guice for managing the dependency injection, then you can either use Field Injection or Dependency Injection. Out of the two which way we should prefer?

The options are

  1. Field Injection

In field injection, the Guice sets the required dependency into the field of our class using reflection.

    public class UserService {
        @Inject AuthService authService;
  1. Constructor Injection

In constructor injection, the Guice uses the constructor to add the dependency object to our dependent object.

    public class UserService {
        AuthService authService;
        public UserService(AuthService authService){
            authService = authService;

Though both of this approach works, which approach should we select ?

I prefer the constructor injection because:

  • I feel that the Field Injection is auto magic as we don’t know how the field value is set
  • It violates OOPs principles too as we are updating a private field from the outside.
  • Also dependency injection using constructor is faster than setting each field using reflection
  • For me the field injection doesn’t work with @Named annotation (might be a bug in the version I am using)

Reference: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/300706/dependency-injection-field-injection-vs-constructor-injection